Health Testimonials

My coach used her knowledge with essential oils and alternative therapies to help me get rid of a skin rash the doctors haven't been able to do anything about in 10 years! -Corinne*

Adjunctive Therapy

Working with my health coach April completely changed the way I shop at the grocery store, prepare food, and eat. I learned all about cooking and healthy foods, and created an accountability plan for exercising. I'm taking really good care of myself like never before to keep my weight, blood pressure, and cholesterol down. My relationship with food and exercise is healthier than it has ever been, and I'm having fun! -Jeff

Nutrition & Cooking Classes and Coaching

Stress Management

My coach April worked with me on social confidence and stress management. We worked through my limiting beliefs, I learned relaxation and mental control techniques, I gained communication skills, and I stopped blocking my own success. April was there with me taking steps until I could own my continued progress and self-care. She knows exactly what roadblocks and oportunities are there. She brings a unique brand of authentic listening, integrity, compassion, encouragement, knowledge, and ideas. This helped me to open up and really work on myself. I feel renewed. I've gone from anxiety, fear, and panic attacks to exploring personal and professional adventures again.   -Howard*

* Some names are changed. Coaching is often a sacred and private process.